Relaxed Pose: The Most Important Pose in Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition

September 2, 2010

As a bodybuilding competition judge, I am assessing the athlete’s physique, including the athlete’s entire presentation, from the moment the athlete walks onstage until the moment the athlete walks offstage.

The most important pose at a bodybuilding or fitness competition is the Relaxed Pose, because this is the pose you will maintain most often while onstage. You hold the Relaxed Pose in-between other poses and while other things are happening onstage, or as you are waiting for your turn.

The “Relaxed” Pose does NOT mean you should actually relax!

Always remember, even when the judges split the athletes into groups or put you in the back row, you should always hold the Relaxed Pose as good as you can and never relax. Assume all eyes are always on you, regardless of what else is going on, because the judges will still be watching you.

So, how do you learn and practice this pose? First, you need to get the rules from the federation you will be competing in and read them carefully. Then, find photos of athletes that have a similar physique to yours and you like the way they do the pose, so that you can try to copy how they do it. You may learn different variations of this pose, but be aware that some competitions may be very strict with the rules in regards to the Relaxed Pose position, while other competitions may not be so strict.

Next, you need a large full-length mirror with lighting that would be similar to that on stage. Many gyms have practice posing rooms or areas that you may use, usually free for members, but make sure you schedule time in advance.

You should also have someone help you practice this critical pose, either a friend who is an experienced competitor or a professional coach. The help of a good coach is invaluable. As a coach, I use my  experience of being both a judge and a successful competitor in perfecting your performance and developing your competition strategy, while preventing you from making common mistakes or learning bad habits. As always, hard work and dedication is key to achieving your goals.

Again, the “Relaxed” Pose is in no way relaxed! I cannot over-emphasize this point.

You always flex every muscle in the body when onstage. If you get the direction from the announcer to “relax” while holding this pose, it mostly likely means your arms are too far out like a Lat pose, so just lower your arms a little bit, but do NOT relax. Keep all your muscles hard, making sure your legs are flexed, and vacuum suck your abs up into the rib cage, so that the whole picture of you is the best presentation of your total physique.

As I said previously, when you are in the back row, you should continue to hold a strong Relaxed Pose. Don’t move around, but instead hold your pose and focus always on looking your best.

You may stand in the back row for ten, twenty minutes, or even more. Holding this pose this long isn’t easy, but besides looking good, it shows the judges you are in good condition, and also importantly, you show your respect for the other athletes, the judges, and the audience …and they appreciate that.

In conclusion, it’s the total package you present as an athlete onstage that will determine your final ranking in the competition, and the Relaxed Pose is the foundation of your presentation.

One Response to “Relaxed Pose: The Most Important Pose in Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition”

  1. Anna said

    Hi Deborah, your words so true! You are a teacher with so much experience and passion for this sport, that one really feels it. It is a real privilege to be working on my posing with you! And yes, the relaxed pose is not so much about relaxing unless one sits in front of a TV and eats french fries – which none of us does! It is still pretty hard work to keep the relaxed pose so that one seems relaxed although your every muscle is tensed to the limit!

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